I hate the word diet. Ew But anyway, good news! You don’t have to diet to build muscle. You just have to eat smart. Let me explain. When someone thinks of a diet, they think of: eating less, tonnes of salad, no fast food, no fun, no life etc. However, when it comes to building muscle, you need to eat more. Think about it this way: when you build muscle you are gaining weight. And how do you gain weight? By eating more food. “But Mike! Whenever I eat more I just get fat? Why you … Continue reading The Simple & Easy Diet to Build Muscle
The Key To Staying Disciplined In The Gym

Building muscle is like climbing a mountain: The people who fail try and run straight up the cliff face, then inevitably trip up, and fall back down the mountain. The people who are successful take their time and walk the path around the mountain, making slow, consistent steps but progressing every day. Consistency is the key to building muscle; you cannot gain 40lbs of muscle in a ‘4 week ultra-gain muscle program’ – we can normally only build 1-2lbs of lean muscle a month. So the only way to ensure we are getting bigger and stronger is to get in that … Continue reading The Key To Staying Disciplined In The Gym
The Supplements You Need To Build Muscle
So for some odd reason whenever people get into fitness one of the first things that comes across their mind is ‘what supplements should I take!?’ Now, this always surprises me, because look at the name… supplement. Supplements are meant to supplement your training… it does not mean you can’t get bigger and stronger without them. I’m honestly so impressed with how the media and fitness industry have managed to make so many of us believe that to get a good physique you need protein shakes, creatine, pre-workout, BCAAs, and all this other stuff… but the reality is that you don’t. Check … Continue reading The Supplements You Need To Build Muscle
The Most Important Thing To Do To Get Bigger And Stronger

This is going to come as a surprise to most of you, because it is not what you expect… TRACK YOUR GOD-DAMN PROGRESS. That’s it. (see, I told you this fitness thing was easy) Now let me tell you why: You can see if you’re actually making progress! Let’s face it, it takes a long time before you actually notice physical changes in your appearance after going to the gym. As a result many people just give up as they feel that they are not getting anywhere… well in many instances you probably are – they are just very small … Continue reading The Most Important Thing To Do To Get Bigger And Stronger