How To Be Consistent: Featuring Gokuflex

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This is the most underrated topic when it comes to achieving success, whether in fitness, wealth, or other aspects of life.


As I’ve mentioned in my last post, to get to where you want to be in life you have to put in the work. Unfortunately for us, you have to put in a lot. Have you ever heard the saying that to become a master at something you have to train for 10,000 hours? I’m not sure about the actual figure, but I believe it.


Typically when we see successful people we tend to jump to assumptions: “Oh, he is only that big because he is on steroids!” or “Oh, he is only rich because he had a rich dad!”. Sure this is the case in some instances, however, most of the time these people have just put in a shit load of work… let me give you an example:




Matt Kido A.K.A Gokuflex is a fitness instructor and has a Youtube channel with over 120,000 subscribers. HE LOOKS MAJESTIC.


So many people assume he is on steroids because he is just ridiculously huge… but they fail to appreciate that Matt has trained hard for over 10 years. That is a long time. Assuming he trains an hour a day for 5 days of the week for 47 weeks of the year (5 weeks off), Matt has spent over 2350 hours in the gym. If you factor in the amount of time he must have spent eating right, sleeping right and gaining fitness knowledge, Matt could have easily spent over 10,000 hours perfecting the art of fitness: no wonder he looks so good.


The example above was just to put things into perspective, you need to put in 1000’s of hours of work to achieve your goals, and what is the key driver here? Consistency.


Okay Mike, we need to be consistent. But how do we actually become consistent?


You cannot sprint a marathon


Too often these days I see people take an all-or-nothing approach. I was like this at first, until I tried to go on a full ketogenic (really low carb) diet straight away, instantly failed, then went back to my shitty diet again. Sure, I made 2 weeks of good decisions, but that was it.


Next time around I decided to take it easy, and only went semi-keto: I still ate carbs, just less than before – I took baby-steps. However, I was able to keep this up for months, allowing me to get in pretty good shape:


Yeah, I’m surprised too!


The point is that you really have to understand that slow and steady is key. Sprinting will not get you anywhere if you do not finish the race. Especially if it results in you giving up.


Make your goals achievable


This is an important point: when people tend to set goals for themselves they will make them stupidly hard, like waking up 2 hours earlier, exercising for 2 hours a day and all of that… STOP THAT. You are just setting yourself up for failure.


Already you’re trying to sprint out of the blocks. Instead, set yourself goals that will be absolutely shameful for you to not do. For example, if you are trying to lose weight set yourself a task of walking for 3 minutes each day. If you can honestly tell me that you cannot spend 3 minutes out of your day to walk then please never come to this site again.


3 minutes walking might seem so small that it won’t do anything. To be honest, it will not have a significant impact on your physical health. However, mentally it will do wonders. Just as a snowball starts off tiny, so does your ability to stay consistent and motivated. Being consistent, no matter how small, will slowly build up your ability to commit to things even when you don’t feel like it. For example, I have to physically force myself to not go to the gym, even when I feel shit, because it is so mentally ingrained in my brain after consistently training for years.


Each day I exercised, no matter how small, committing to it was so much easier. Eventually, once you start to appreciate just how much it is benefits you you will actaully start wanting to go, to the point where I’m at where saying no is a big challenge (but you have to sometimes, otherwise you get injured…)


Appreciate the journey


Again, another severely underrated aspect regarding goal-achievement.


We live in a word of instant gratification; we like to get things now. We like answers straight away. We hate waiting for things. I do too.


This is why we like TV comedy so much; it provides an immediate feeling of gratification. However, when it comes to achieving your dream goals you will not just get free satisfaction; you have to work for it. On the plus side, you will receive a much deeper feeling of satisfaction, one that truly comes from within, and it feels amazing.


Every day when I sit down and work on UNIGAINS I feel like I am progressing in life; I am becoming a better version of myself and helping to realise my dream – I love it. Sure, it does take a lot of commitment, however the feeling I get from improving on myself is one like no other.


Ironically, it does take some time and effort to enjoy the hard work which yields this incredible feeling; this is why it is so important to start off gently and easily to slowly build up your appreciation for self-improvement.


Change your thought process


One thing that really helped me learn to stay consistent was by changing my thought process a little. When I feel tired and not bothered to do anything at first I used to say ‘oh, its fine I will pick up on it tomorrow’. If you do the same, try thinking about this instead:


“My goal requires me to put in a shit tonne of work. Every day I do not work towards it will be one day further away. Is it really worth it?”


Now I know you, and know that you are thinking “If I skip a day I will just to double tomorrow”. Fair logic, although let’s be honest, that never happens. However, if you believe that it does try imagining it like this:


“My challenge is to be a better version of myself each day. If I do not work towards my goal I will just be the same old standard yesterday-version. Ew.”



If you had the choice to get a PS3 or a PS4 which would you choose? PS4 obviously.


If you could chose to get a car with 0 miles or and old car with100,000 miles which would you choose? The new car obviously.


We like new things. We like upgrades, so why would we be complacent and let us not be better than we were before?


There is not a better investment in the world than investing in improving yourself


The only thing you can truly control in this world is yourself. Working on yourself internally will translate fantastically externally.


Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, PayPal and SpaceX, reads a shitload; he invested in himself. Look where that has got him. He’s a fucking legend. His aim was not to get stinking rich, or to be famous, but he has achieved both because he invested in himself heavily which allowed him to externally translate this into driving innovation and creating stupidly fast electric racing cars.


Everything you externally create or achieve comes from within. If you want to make an impact on the world you have to make an impact on yourself first.



Now if this speech did not make you incredibly motivated to stay consistent then I don’t know what will, because that was gold.


Joking aside, I could have packaged this, put a load more useless shit in it, and sold it as a £10 e-Book. Even better, I could have made 10 30-minute videos saying basically repeating the same thing to waste time, opened a private exclusive Facebook group and sold it as an online course for £100. I didn’t.


It is my sole desire to help you truly realise your potential, and consistency is at the heart of it. Do me a huge favour and invest in yourself right now. I don’t care how small it is, just make that first tiny step to upgrading yourself.


You will not regret it.





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