Why am I not building more muscle?


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Many of us get so infused into the complexities of fitness; weight to use, reps, tempo, drop sets, and a whole load of other things which we think we have to execute perfectly in order to build muscle.


But, we are forgetting one thing…




Let me explain…


Do you think lions, bears, monkeys and apes think about how much time they need to rest between exercise bouts? NO.


Now I know we are not monkeys, lions, or bears, but the point is that if we put stress on our muscles we will adapt.


The kind of stress does affect the kind of adaptation, however, we are still overthinking it.


Basically, if you are doing a set of exercise which lasts no longer than a minute, you are working towards getting stronger.


This will lead to you putting more stress on your muscles, which will result in you building muscle if you are in a caloric surplus (eating more than you are burning).


If you are doing anything more than this then you are working more towards increasing your endurance.


This will lead to less stress on your muscles and more on your aerobic system, meaning that you will not be building as much muscle if you were to be in a caloric surplus.


That is all you really need to know if you want to know where to start.


A lot of builders have a fairly substantial amount of muscle. Now compared to what fitness experts say, they do not do a 30-60 minute workout of 4 sets of 8-12 reps… they lift heavy all day every day.


This just shows how our bodies will genuinely adapt to the amount of stress we are putting on it; as builders are generally putting a high amount of stress on their muscles they are stimulating them to grow.


This combined with the fact that they are probably eating when they are hungry will lead to them eating enough to generally be in a surplus to build muscle, and therefore they get bigger – simple.


If you noticed I have used the word generally a lot.


As I have mentioned before, this is because CONSISTENCY IS KEY.


If you are in a calorie surplus 80% of the time, and putting a decent amount of stress on your muscles more times than not, then you will build muscle over time.


If you keep at this consistently, then you will soon build a sizeable amount of muscle.


So when you do not have access to the gym or are too lazy to go, just remember that any stress placed on your muscles is better than none.


It does not have to be exactly 3 sets of 8 followed by a 30-second rest; it could simply be doing one set of pushups to failure, or sprinting on the spot.




Never think that just because you do not have a time for a full workout means that you should not do anything.




Tesco is right (UK fans will know).


Please, do not focus on overcomplicating things, overthinking was what led to me building no muscle whatsoever.


If you are trying to build muscle, just eat enough and put some relatively intense stress on your muscles consistently.




Got any questions? Email me at mike@unigains.com!

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