Why Looking Good May Not Make You Confident


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When people ask me for advice on how to get bigger/leaner I always ask them why. One of the main responses is to be more confident – however, let me explain to you why this may not always be the case.


Confidence comes from within


Confidence comes from the ability to trust and take pride in yourself. Confident people do not seek reassurance from others as they are self-secure about themselves. I would consider myself a fairly confident individual as I have a lot of pride and belief in myself, and do not rely on opinions or views of others. However, I do still have my flaws, and would be straight up lying to you if I said I did not doubt myself or my abilities sometimes.


Fitness has helped me develop my confidence; the feeling of becoming a better version of myself each and every day has helped me develop an immense amount of belief in myself.  Becoming stronger and getting a six-pack did help me become more confident, however, for some it can only make them feel more insecure.


If you are not doing it for yourself, then you will only become more insecure


The way you view fitness will determine your confidence levels.


If you view fitness and looking better as a tool for self-improvement and becoming a better version of yourself then yes, fitness will likely help boost your confidence and self-esteem levels.


However, if you are trying to look like a guy in a magazine because ‘they get the girls’ then you are likely going to feel more insecure.


Take the guy in this video for example – he is jacked. But, he is so insecure about himself as he is always comparing himself to others instead of the insane improvements he has made to himself – if you are always comparing your body to others then you will likely never be proud of yourself and of your body.


A lot of people get in to fitness to look like the models, to get the girls, or to be stop being bullied – even I got into fitness because I wanted a six pack and just to look ripped. However, most get hooked on fitness due to the feeling of progression and self-improvements – this is where the self-esteem comes form. 


Remember: Confidence comes from within, and if you are always comparing yourself to others then fitness is not going to help with confidence. Focus on yourself and becoming a better version of yourself each day.









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