Why You Are Failing To Get Fit


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Tell me if this sounds familiar to you:


It’s a couple of weeks before the New Year, and you have decided that this year is the year you are going to lose weight and finally get fit. You set yourself New Year resolutions to go to the gym 5 times a week, stop eating chocolate, wake up at 6AM, and stop drinking alcohol – sounds good on paper… right?


Unfortunately, 99.9999999% of you are going to fail.


Yes, I know that does seem harsh, but it is the truth. Let us be real with ourselves; do you honestly think you could make all these commitments and maintain them? The answer is most likely nofor multiple reasons…


1) You will resent fitness


Why are you giving up alcohol and chocolate and so much time!? Because of FitnessThis causes an unhealthy relationship with it, as it will become something you will resent and not enjoy. This will make it only harder to stay committed.


2) You are not ready to handle it


Fitness is a habit, and habits need to be developed over time. However, fitness is a positive habit, and positive habits take a hell of a lot more willpower to develop. If just managing to wake up in time up to rush into uni/work is hard enough,  what makes you think you are going to be able to maintain a strict workout AND diet regimen?


3) Cold turkey is unsustainable


Unless you are trying to quit a seriously life threatening habit/addiction (e.g. smoking, alcohol addiction, compulsive eating disorder etc.) I do not believe cold turkey is the right choice for you. Leading back to 1), going cold turkey will only aid in you resenting fitness and getting serious cravings which will lead to you giving up on your goal. Also, not only does cold turkey takes a significant amount of willpower too, but it is not fun.


So what should I do Mike?


Take it easy.


Consistency is key to achieving your fitness goals; it is so much more important to do something little consistently for years than to go all out and burn out…


So instead of trying to sort out your diet, exercise and sleep all in one go, micro-focus on only one aspect of it, such as controlling your diet a bit better.


Once you define your outline area you want to select a goal which you know you  can do, no matter how small – the one I suggest is to reduce the amount you eat by so little that it is literally a joke for you to not do it. When you slowly build momentum and willpower you will  be able to gradually build upon this and be able to add more micro-goals; before you know it you will be making great progress!


This method works as you benefit from the best of all worlds; you will be working towards achieving your fitness goals whilst not having to give anything up completely. Most importantly, you will be enjoying fitness as you will be smashing your fitness goals out the window which will give you an amazing daily feel of satisfaction.


I urge you to give it a try; throw out everything that you were planning to do and focus on one tiny thing which you know you can do, then work from there.


Good luck!




P.S. I have a FREE training program here if you want it!

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