Should You Bench Everyday?


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This seems to be frowned upon so much in the fitness industry – like it is some absurd idea which will just lead to you making no gains… but I disagree.


Lately I have been benching and squatting everyday…  yes – Everyday.




Well, I like the concept and idea behind it: If you want to get good at something you have to practice at it; when I used to study in school I got the best results from studying every day; when I played tennis competitively I would practice almost every day – practice makes perfect.


So I believe the same can be applied to lifting weights, the more you practice at it the better your muscles will adapt and learn to recover and get stronger more effectively.


Also, I just like the idea of being able to perform to a high level everyday – I don’t want to be one of those people who cannot walk for the next week after a leg day… I want my body to be able to deal with high amount of stress on a daily basis – whether it is squatting, sprinting, jumping etc.


The biggest argument I get against all of this is – ‘your muscles will not be able to recover!’


Well, again, I completely disagree.


It all depends on how much stress you put on your muscles each workout. Of course if you try and do 8 sets of bench each day you will over-train and injure yourself… but if you do 1-2 heavy sets each day your muscles should be able to handle the stress and adapt appropriately for the next day.


I personally like the idea of this as I believe that the first maximum set you do is the most important one – I find that sets after this tax my body a lot more for less results.
Therefore, it makes sense to me to be able to hit a max set each day, instead of hitting 7 sets once a week, as I find that the following sets benefit me less.


Of course I cannot speak for everybody, and I am not saying that it is the best or only way to build strength and size; my UNIGAINS program is based off working out each muscle 2-3 days a week, and that has also brought me and clients excellent results.


All I’m saying is that it is very much possible to bench every day if you structure it appropriately and effectively, and could actually bring great results!


In fact, if your goals are mainly strength-based, then I honestly believe that benching/squatting everyday could help you maximize results!




Want to work with me to bench every day? Email me at

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