The Key To Staying Disciplined In The Gym
Building muscle is like climbing a mountain:
The people who fail try and run straight up the cliff face, then inevitably trip up, and fall back down the mountain.
The people who are successful take their time and walk the path around the mountain, making slow, consistent steps but progressing every day.
Consistency is the key to building muscle; you cannot gain 40lbs of muscle in a ‘4 week ultra-gain muscle program’ – we can normally only build 1-2lbs of lean muscle a month.
So the only way to ensure we are getting bigger and stronger is to get in that gym consistently and work out effectively.
But so many people simply cannot stay disciplined, and therefore do not make the progress they crave.
“So Mike, how do I stay disciplined in the gym?“
You have to enjoy it.
I love going to the gym – every day that is the one thing I always look forward to. Going to the gym is not a burden for me; it’s something I am buzzing to do…
“But Mike – how do I enjoy going to the gym?”
Personally, I need to know that I am progressing – The way I structure my workouts has allowed me to see myself making small, progressive gains in almost every workout – knowing you are progressing is the best feeling ever. This is also why I am so excited and look forward to going to the gym every day. I know I am achieving something.
For example, a few weeks ago I hit 90kg (200lbs) for 6 reps on the bench press. The next time I hit 90kg I did 7 reps. THAT FELT SO GOOD.
Trust me, as soon as you start realizing you’re making progress and getting somewhere, you will not want to stop.
So get yourself on a workout program which helps you see yourself progress, and get one step closer to your goal than you were yesterday.
Got any questions? Want to share your progress? Email me at