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How To Achieve Your Goals

beautiful mountains

I have probably mentioned this before, but it needs another mention:


“Walking a marathon is better than sprinting half way”

– Michael Tawiah


Yes, I put my own quote in here because I honestly believe it has so much importance.


It does not matter how fast you’re working to your goal if you’re not going to reach it. However, our want to see instant results encourages us to give it too much too soon.


The issue with going all in straight away is that it is powered by motivation –  a limited source.


This motivation temporarily boosts our willpower to commit 100% for a while, then soon quickly fades; we do have days when we don’t want to do anything, or we get distracted with other things etc – it is these days when people tend to give up.


Going in 100% all the time is also such a huge time commitment and a huge sacrifice. As a result, you slowly start to regret the thing which you are meant to be enjoying – we do not want this.


Instead, what I propose is the opposite: start off doing something so ridiculously easy that it will actually be shameful to not do it each day.


As I mention in my book ‘The Ultimate Guide To Getting Lean‘, if your goal is to try and lose weight, start by eating 1 less bite of 1 meal… that’s it.


Results are a result of effort applied consistently, and not maximum effort in one.


At first, your results may not be considerate, however, you will have built up that routine and discipline which will now be able to pull you through those days when your motivation is down.


The best part about taking it slow is you ending up falling in love with the process; instead of resenting the amount of time it is taking out of your life you start to fall in love with the progression.


It will get to a point where providing  the motivation, ambition, and discipline will be effortless.


If you are truly serious about achieving your long term goals I encourage you to not try too hard at the start – ironically that is what tends to make you fail.


Instead, do this:


Set yourself a daily goal which is so simple and ridiculously easy to do.


For me and InvincibleMentality, my daily is goal is to write part of an article a day… not even a whole article, just part –  I have a lot going on in my life, and setting the goal to write a whole article every day is often too much; it leads to me just not writing at all.


As long as you keep on making that step each day in the right direction, no matter how small, you are on the path to success.




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What I Learnt From Homeless People

homeless person

So I just got dinner for 2 homeless men today… and I’m going to tell you about it – and no, it’s not a tale about how amazing and kind and good willed they are, nor is it how they’re full on flat alcoholics…


So let’s begin.


I came out of the office late around 10pm, and this guy came up to me and asked if I could spare then a few pennies so they could get some food. I was going to Tesco anyway so I told them to come along and I’ll get them something.


There were 2 guys; one was very quiet and reserved, whilst the other was quite talkative – his breath smelt of alcohol… That probably explains it.


Anyway, I talked to them on the way to Tesco and asked how they got in their position – the talkative one explained how 8 years ago he had enough of his relationship issues, along with a ‘slight’ drinking problem, and decided to get on a train out of Essex into London. He found out he couldn’t get a place to stay in London as he is a resident of Essex. When I asked him why he didn’t move back he said it brought back bad memories – fair enough, but if you’re homeless surely a house is better than nothing? Meh, lets carry on.


As I was getting food the talkative one stressed to get food for the other guy – this guy he didn’t smoke or drink. He told me he’d rather have alcohol or cigarettes than food – obviously I told him I wasn’t going to do that, but it made me sad so so deep inside…


When I was buying the food, the quiet came up to me to make sure I wasn’t buying too much – he seemed quite ashamed of his position and the fact he was where he is now and was therefore really conservative and quiet.


I bought both guys a sandwich, and the quiet guy a drink. They were both extremely thankful. Somehow the talkative guy ended up with a small bottle of wine in his hand, so I ended up asking him why he still drinks and smokes, as personally I really struggle to try and help homeless guys out when I know a proportion probably going to be spent on alcohol and drugs.


His response was probably the most depressing yet heart warming thing that I’ve ever heard… This is what he said:


“Well, I just am an alcoholic, but if you don’t mind I’m going to walk across the street and give this sandwich to that homeless man across the road who hasn’t eaten in days.”




I didn’t really know what to say to that, and I simply wished them all the best and parted ways.


I learnt 3 lessons from this:

1) Some people don’t want to be helped.


The alcoholic knew if he stopped drinking he’d probably have a higher chance of progressing in life, and if he really wanted to get things back on track he would have moved back to Essex where he has a higher chance of gaining accommodation – he didn’t. Instead he has remained a homeless alcoholic for 8 years, and he seemed like he has become okay with being in that position: he said a doctor told him he has 3 months to live, and without alcohol 2 – obviously it’s probably not true, but I won’t be surprised if that is the last time I’ll ever see him again.


2) Not every homeless person caused themselves to be homeless.


Not everyone has a safety plan – the worst case scenario for me is that I cry back to mummy and daddy. Some people have nothing.


Unfortunately I didn’t get to hear the story of the other homeless guy, but I imagine it was more to do with a series of unfortunate events rather than a decision – those are the sort of people we should be helping; it’s just a shame that at face value it is hard to tell who’s going to use your help for good or bad.


3) Homeless people are still people


Speaking to these two men again made me realise that being homeless does not define you; you define you – let me explain:


There are alcoholics who live in houses, and humble people too. You have doctors who’s life is in pieces yet they still care so deeply for others. There are dicks who will manipulate you, and others who are respectful and kind.


A variety of personalities exist at all different levels in life, so please do not judge people at face value.




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Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

why am i not losing weight

So many people try and fail to lose weight. Technically it is such a simple thing to do – eat less… However, so many people end up being unsuccessful.


Sure, using the wrong methods or going about it the wrong way can hinder progress, however, I believe there is a more fundamental reason.


You do not have a big enough ‘why’.


Why do you really want to lose weight? Why do you want to go for runs or lift weights?


A lot of the time ‘to get more fit’ is not a strong enough ‘why’ – in this day and age we barely have to exert energy, and not being a little fitter is not going to suddenly make your life a lot better. Is it really worth it to you to give up that lovely pizza and ice-cream and pasta!? For most of us it simply isn’t.


It is only when the issue gets critical e.g. Type 2 diabetes, health complications etc. when you see people make that critical change and are able to finally lose weight – not dying is often a very strong motive!


You also notice people make huge differences when they have children too as they want to see them grow up – these are all big enough ‘why’s which ignite an unstoppable fire.


For me, my ‘why’ was from a bad source; the inner desire to impress others and seeking approval.


However, now it stems from a sheer desire to become a better version of myself each day, which to be honest most likely stems from the fear of being average.. Good enough for me!


If you want to achieve your goals you have got to find a strong enough motive, otherwise there is simply not enough of a drive to pursue to when the going gets tough.


I suggest using the fear of being average as your ‘why’ – it has been working for me!


What drives you? Comment below.




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How To Sacrifice


Sacrifice – the scariest thing in the world.


How much enjoyment do you really get out of scrolling through Facebook or Instagram? I mean we get a little smirk or chuckle here and there, but is there really any profound inner feeling of satisfaction? No.


Imagine just how good it would feel to work hard at a goal (weight loss, building a business) for years and see it finally pay off. I have experienced it with weight loss and strength-related goals, and the feeling is honestly truly incredible.


So why would we rather procrastinate than sacrifice this procrastination to work hard to reach our goals?


Most say it is due to ‘effort’, but I believe it’s something more fundamental – the fear of failure.


Who wants to dedicate their life to something that doesn’t pay off? The risk of giving it your all and losing money, time, and dignity is worse than doing nothing at all in a lot of people’s eyes – do you think like this?


It is completely understandable, however, is this belief hindering us?


If we spent the time literally doing nothing trying to make something worthwhile happening we are not losing anything! You don’t even have to spend money to achieve some goals, such as losing weight for example – it’s free yet the reward is so satisfying!


If you fail, so what? Nothing happens, apart from someone saying ‘I told you so’. You learn so much from every failure if looked at from a positive angle, which you can then use to get a head start on your next challenge; whether the same or different.


When you really look into sacrifice and realise just how little you are actually sacrificing, such as that 1 hour you literally spend mindlessly scrolling, or that £1 a day on advertisement which is not going to make you bankrupt, you allow yourself to live in a world of opportunity where you have the potential to achieve amazing things and reach deeper and more rewarding levels of satisfaction.




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