All posts by admin

How To Solve Your Problems


So yesterday I watched a documentary about SAS soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan – my jaw was constantly wide open.
They were telling stories of how they were held hostage with a gun to their head, and had a mob outside who literally wanted to tear them apart.


I want you to try something – think about the problems which have been troubling you recently. Thought about them? Good.


Now think about the intense short-term feeling of being completely helpless and at the verge of death, as well as the long-term trauma caused for the rest of your life from this, as well as other traumatic events that you would have to live with, such as taking a child’s life…


How serious do your problems feel now?


For most of us we realise that life could be a heck of a lot worse, and most of our issues are really not the end of the world… For example, losing your wallet, having a passport stolen, or failing a test – these are examples of the majority of events which can be overcome. Even though they may feel like the end of the world at the time, they are issues which can be overcome.

Next time you think you are in a position which feels like the end of the world, take a step back and appreciate that in 99% of cases it could be a heck of a lot worse – hopefully this will give you a little bit of fresh and help you calm your mind some more, so you can approach the problem with a more relaxed and open-minded approach.




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How To Be Positive


I was feeling a bit down yesterday, because I have not been seeing too many results – I have put my heart and soul into InvincibleMentality, yet have not been too successful in terms of it being where I want it to be (i.e me living off it).


So yeah, I woke up feeling sad and had a straight disappointing look on my face on my way to work, until something happened – I remembered a funny moment I had with my mate.


This gave me a little self-chuckle, and made me realise to myself: ‘why the f*** am I looking at the negatives in a negative light? What positives does that bring?’


I then proceeded to just appreciate all the positives from my so-called failure – sure I haven’t made a full-time income from it, but I’ve helped a bunch of people and have made a difference to the world. I also have a moderately spread out fanbase which I can now use as foundation to carry on building and developing.


Apply this to your life – are you looking at the negative events in your life negatively or positively?


This change has such a powerful change on your life – instead of reinforcing self-limiting beliefs, you start to look at the positives, and what you can do to improve yourself and open yourself up to opportunities instead of closing doors.


Yes you can be sad and disappointed in yourself – it’s part of life! That being said, I do suggest you try to look at the positive side of these negative events instead of the negatives.




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What Direction Should You Take In Life?

what direction

How do you know what you’re doing is right?


Like, if you’re trying to achieve a certain goal, how do you know you’re going about it the right way?


You never truly know, and that is the most exciting yet fearful part of it.

I have spent more money than I’m proud to mention to get InvincibleMentality out there.
Have I been incredibly successful? On the surface, no, but behind the scenes I have learnt and incredible amount and have developed a solid foundation which I can use as a tool to still boost my brand and reach my goals.


The point is that you’ll likely never follow an efficient route, primarily because you likely do not know exactly what you want from what you’re doing – you often end up changing your path after you start it, resulting in you rarely ever taking the most efficient route – and that’s fine! As long as you keep walking.


Even if your external results may not be too great, you can develop so much internally from going on that journey – overcoming fear, pressure, anxiety, excitement, success, failure, all of it!


Take me for example: I’ve wasted money on adverts to wrong audiences and overpaid on websites, and wasted time trying different forms of building InvincibleMentality – am I annoyed that I made choices which turned out to be really inefficient? Yes! However at the time in my current state of mind it seemed like the best one, so I can’t fault myself. What I can do however, is appreciate that I won’t have the mindset and thought process that I have right now if it weren’t for this beautifully inefficient and occasionally-frustrating journey.


Whatever it is, you have got to start, because it truly does so much in helping you develop and gain a deeper appreciation of yourself and life.




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How One Word Can Change Your Mindset


I read this yesterday and it blew my mind:


We use the word ‘but’ as an excuse to things such as:


‘I want to go on holiday BUT I don’t have enough money’

‘I want to go to the gym BUT I don’t have enough time’


However, switch the sentence around and your mind will be blown…


‘I don’t have enough money BUT I want to go on holiday’

‘I don’t have time BUT I I want to go to the gym’


Notice the huge difference?


Suddenly the statement of negativity will become a statement of positivity, which will help switch your mindset from getting beaten by an obstacle to finding a way to overcome the obstacle.


Maybe I’m just easily impressed, but it blew my mind away… Hopefully it can switch your mindset a little too.




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